Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back To School

Going back to school - for someone this is nightmare after sunny and careless summer. But for me  it was time to buy new things . I was looking forward to it. I also liked to observe what others wore and realize how style of a person changes from time to time, from school to university and so on.... our wardrobe changes totally when we are getting ready for school/

heels are changed by keds and ballet flats.

what about hairstyle ???

Bags remain as most important accessories. 

And last! we should think a lot what to ware at school because style is a way to say who yo are without having to speak. 
                                                                     XOXO RUSO


  1. Dear, I am happy to tell you that I have nominated you for the "Liebster Award Tag". Have a look on my blog.

    Xoxo ♥ Johanna
